Last fall the following quote found me.  I’m going to make everything around me beautiful – that will be my life, by Elsie de Wolfe. 

I like to extract select words from this quote and add additional qualities as intentions, affirmations, or as a check-in with myself in how I am showing up in the world.    

I’m going to make…

That will be my life…

For example,

I’m going to make every day full of gratitude – that will be my life.

I’m going to make joy my priority – that will be my life.

How about you?  

If you could make a statement of intention or affirmation, what are you going to make, that will be your life?

Recently, I’ve been thinking about disruptors.   Merriam Webster defines disruption as the act or process of disrupting something: a break or interruption in the normal course or continuation of some activity, process, etc.

Some disrupters are “simple”.   An unplanned meeting request.  An interruption in something you were doing, concentrating on, speaking.  

Other disruptors are those breaks when life suddenly taps on the shoulder in such a way, it feels like a perceived foundation of certainty or control that one thought they were firmly standing on has just shaken from an earthquake tremor. 

Breaks in solid footing.  Like cracks in a cocoon.  Or an eggshell.   

Uncomfortable.  Unsettling.   Scary.    

How easy is it (or not) to embrace the disruption and see the crack that is appearing?  Can you see the crack not as something to repair or try to stop from spreading? 

Instead, can you see the safe enclosure is being disrupted by Promise that the future will offer more room to move, and more light in which to see how to move?  The potential is to experience greater freedom.  

Can you open the door with a trusting heart when Disruption knocks, waving your arm open wide in a welcoming gesture that conveys, please, Disruption, won’t you take a seat?  

Can you see the gift packages Disruption is holding in its hands, even if you cannot yet see what is underneath the paper and bows? 

Can you challenge Survival Instincts and Comfort Zone, both who are wanting to help you turn your back to the door with your whole body’s weight pressed against it, willing your brute and courageous strength to barricade and block Disruption’s desire to enter?  

Can you trust that Disruption is being sent on behalf of Love and your Soul’s deepest wishes for what it wanted to experience in this lifetime?  

What if the phrase was, I’m going to make every disruptive experience in life my loving teacher – this will be my life.

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